The research review will consider topics related to our present research, such as school remoteness and emergency education strategies adopted by countries during the COVID-19 pandemic; ICT in the Ministry of Education in Palestine; and five dimensions of educational administration quality. According to Fidalgo and partners, it is thanks to the World Wide Web, which gives a global majority access to knowledge, that this happens. This facilitated the dissemination of educational materials that enabled distance education to transition into the digital age. It was the researchers who invented the concept of distance education who pointed out that the learning process occurs in an environment that includes teachers spread all over space and time. There is no requirement for you to attend some type of educational institution to receive an academic qualification or credential. The Ministry of Education for online and distance learners is also improving learners’ outcomes in learning, their capability of influencing learning, and the likelihood of metacognitive learning and motivation. It also influences their social life and identity. However, the fact that distance learning has positive effects does not go without saying. Parkinson and Co. found out that distance education can be advantageous to students who are outside the campus, but they also realized that in the traditional classroom on campus, students are more content with their level of education. After COVID-19, researchers are attracted to the concept of emergency education. Sofianidis et al. argue that the COVID-19 outbreak offered a rare chance to revolutionize digital education. But simultaneously, it revealed the weaknesses of the current educational arrangement.
According to the figures from ECLAC-UNESCO, by mid-May 2020, there were over 1.2 billion students of all education levels who no longer could attend school physically. In ECLAC-UNESCO 5, the socio-economic situation in the region was already in decline even before the pandemic struck due to the rising poverty rates, the prevalence of social inequalities, and the growing frustration. All spheres of society, including the Ministry of Education, suffered under the impact of the current economic situation. In the case of Palestine and its current digital divide, this is true. As indicated by Schleicher, the digital divide is intensified in the emergency classroom, for the most favored students can pass through the closed doors at school and get other educational opportunities, while the unfortunate students are often left behind. In their research, the researchers looked at the education process of the students in Palestine in the context of an emergency in education. According to Shraim and Crompton, Palestinian instructors, as well as other decision-makers, viewed minds, along with social media, the cloud, and computing, as more than tools for creating and conveying educational materials and effective communication during the COVID-19 outbreak. Secondly, Shraim and Crompton stated different concerns, such as the broadening digital gap as well as the scorn for distance learning. According to ECLAC UNESCO 5, initiatives implemented by the ministries of education in Latin American and Caribbean countries incorporated several facets of online learning and teacher education. For instance, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador introduced a teacher’s course called “My Online Classroom,” where the module was based on the self-learning principle.
The ICT-based educational system in Palestine is a project that was carried out and supported by the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education with the help of Palestinian contributions locally and European-sponsored projects. In the following section, we outline each of these local and EU-funded projects and initiatives. Wahbeh implemented ICT in Palestinian schools. The researcher discusses the interactions regarding ICT at three levels within the school: between schools, the MoEHE, and the local community, or PTAs and the school administration. The report shows that the technology infrastructure necessary to link the school’s computers has been provided by MoEHE, the PTA, and the community. It is also evident that, because of the Ministry of Education’s bureaucratic policies, schools could not access the Internet. Barham, after considering how teachers utilize computers in their schools and how teachers use computers in schools, concluded that the possible impacts of the technology of computers are dependent on the design of the learning and teaching environment that promotes student-centered learning. Barham recommended that the pupils of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education should cooperate with the Ministry and help it create classrooms in which technology is a component of the learning process. The level of resource adequacy internally will determine whether the ministry can meet its target. Moreover, she noted that it might be necessary for the ministry to seek help from the outside as resources are scarce in the country. Thus, Barham emphasizes two issues. Considering how educators utilize computers in the classroom and how the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education perceive computer integration, Barham came to the conclusion that the efficiency of computer technology in the class is dependent upon the learning environment set up to support student-centered learning. In addition, she recommended the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education develop technology classrooms that integrate technology into the teaching and learning process. The Minister pointed out that the achievement of this goal by the Ministry will primarily rely on the availability of internal resources. She further argued that, due to the country’s scarcity of resources, the ministry may need donations from outside the nation to achieve its goal. Barham, therefore, highlights two points. Initially, the integration posed some challenges. European Union funds financed projects in Palestine within the framework of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education that aimed at improving digital literacy and the use of ICT in schools. There are two such initiatives here. The first was funded by an Italian cooperation that was implemented through the United Nations Development Program; this program was a subdivision of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education. According to Pacetti, the project was an occasion where Palestinian institutions and schools could be enticed to engage in ICT usage. In Pacetti’s report, we notice the universities had a big task in proposing appropriate materials, various examples of the application of technology, and ways to support this implementation. Besides, in the case of Bologna, it was the role of the University of Bologna to ensure the implementation of ICT expertise and critical practices in schools and the provision of pedagogical models for using ICT tools, instruments, and methodologies that enabled monitoring the pedagogical testing in the classroom. It is the Ministry of Education that contributes to the creation of the educational setting, being the leading force in the design of curriculum policies and programs that enhance diversity. From the point of view of a historian, one can notice the progress made along with the capability of adapting to societal evolution and milestones that mark the path. The goals of the ministry—to provide exemplary education, foster creativity, and encourage inclusion—demonstrate its concern for the generations of the future so that they can succeed. While running through the labyrinth of schooling, it is the Ministry that acts as a sherpa with a steep climb towards progress by overcoming obstacles using the latest technology and working with all the different stakeholders to develop a thriving and adaptive school system. Through continuous development and a vision for the future, the Ministry of Education remains one of the cornerstones in building the foundation of a harmonious and thriving society.